lbares Member


  • It is water. I usually gain 2-3 pounds during my period. I usually see it go away days 3-5 of my cycle. It is not fat. :)
  • I have had 3 kids, and had to lose 30-50 pounds after each. The only way I was able to do it efficiently, each time, was to calorie count. Tedious, but after 3 weeks, new habits are formed. Portions are better controlled. Looking back through the diaries, I can also see where an extra 100 calories may sneak into my diet…
  • I didn't feel self conscious, until people started telling me how great I looked! With weight loss, I realized people are paying attention! I will try to enjoy the positive reinforcement, but man, part of me still feels so high-school!
  • Same artificial stuff that you find in diet sodas: fake sweetners, food dye... just because it has no calories, it is not the same as water. Crystal light will still confuse your body. Generally, if a caveman wouldn't have had a food to eat (like diet soda!), then you shouldn't eat it either.
  • Spread your calories through many small meals through out the day. I know you have heard this before. Me, I eat 200 cal at 8:00, 150 cal at 10:00, 350 cal lunch, 150 cal 3:00 snack and 350 - 400 cal dinner, leaving me a few calories in the evening (total cals 1400-1500 /day for me). SO, 6 meals a day, not going over 400 -…
  • I always bring my own food. I am keeping myself (and my family/kids) on track, and setting a good example. I don't preach about how others eat, but I am prepared to answer questions - always staying polite and sticking to the facts of why I eat the way I eat. I also agree that eating what the host serves, in moderation, is…
  • Bottom line is, you cannot fool your body. Diet pop my be calorie free, but it is definitely not the same as having a glass of water. There are so many un-natural substances that your body has to work so hard to get rid of... You put something sweet in, and your body responds with hormones to store fat, whether the sweet…
  • Please do not get discouraged. I did not see significant weight loss for at least 4 months, then things really started to happen! I felt muscle begin to develop and cardiac benefits before I really saw the needle move on the scale. Woman to woman, make sure you are not working against a birth control (hormone) method that…