

  • 25 female 5'0 104lb light work intake 1260-1350 most of the days. maximum 1600 some days in a month. I try do pilates/ yoga 4-5 times a week. My aim is to loose that tummy fat! Hope to include some strength training.
  • I am aiming for the same . I started pilates and yoga (suryanamaskar) evry day. Have not done it past 5 days. Will get back to it from tomorrow. Hope to get good results with it. Lifting some weigths and strength training will help too.
  • Lol I logged in for the first time on the website through my computer while searching answer for my Q ie, "Do you burn more calorie while studying.?" Some facts: Brain requires near 20% of our calorie intake. Brain can only utilize Glucose as an energy source. Naturally while you study hard, especially during exams we may…