

  • 5'1.5 Start Weight this time was 284 and long term goal is 135-140 down 15.6
  • Well I messured my inches this morning and I am happy to say I have lost almost 2 inches from my hips and almost 1 inch from my mid section I hope to continue to loose the pounds and the inches. well I'll keep you all posted. I guess no one want to join my challenge it's find I'm just challenge myself to loose the 10-15…
  • I want to do a challenge for the month of June and I welcome everyone to join if they like, I challenge myself and anyone else who would like to do this, to loose 10-15 pound for the month of June. If you are in let me know. My starting for the month is 253 I'm trying to get down to 238 or less by June 30.
  • Thanks for the challenge it helped keep me motivated. I did loose my 5 plus some. I guess I should probably do something like this in my blog/post what ever, it'll help keep me motivated. My friends and I were suppose to do something like this but it was whom ever lost the most BMI by the time we take out trip wins a pot…
  • Thanks. I undertand fully. I was pretty much the same way up and down up and down but now I decided tht I can no longer do the quick fixes I have to make a lifestyle change the diets don't work long. No matter what happens because I know I will more than likely slip from time to time I mean I'm only human but as long as I…
  • My journey is good so far. I got a great number this week I guess since I'm just getting back into my routine. I hope that I can contine to loose double digets each week, but I know that's not likely. Hay every little bit helps though. Lost 13 this week. Hope I loose about the same next week.
  • Thanks mamakat61. When I was younger I use to always say oh I'm never gonna let myself get that big and I just got bigger and bigger. I do have over weight people in my family and some at their ideal weight. So I use think that it does some to do with genetics but for the most part its what we eat. It's hard I love junk…
  • Thanks commit2Change I wille check out them websites. Every little bit helps. I started back on my workouts again today and changing the way that I eat I know that I cn get the weight off with some help I can maintain and keep it off this time. Thanks a bunch to evryone that took the time to read this post and responded.
  • Thanks. I will surely check out that website. I apreciate the support.
  • I'm up for the challenge. I would love to loose five or more pound by the end of May. I'm in I would love to find more friends new and old on mhere to help motivate with this hard journey.