

  • A US cup is 60mls I think. Rachel
  • Good Luck - I'm 22 from England and have a fair bit more to lose than you but I have lost 11.5lbs so far. This site really helps to keep you on track by making you log everything and also encourages me to exercise because then I get the extra calories to eat!! Good luck :-)
  • Try aerobic exercises which require you to twist through your waist!
  • What you're eating sounds about right to me and I don't think you're too many calories under to go into starvation mode. Do you weigh or measure everything you have?? That would be my recommendation just to check you're not fooling yourself because if you don't actually check you're sure to be going over. The other bit of…
  • Well done for getting back in there and admitting where you went wrong. It's easy to keep dieting when you are losing weight it is harder when you don't see the results but if you stick in there it will come back off. I'm a firm believer in not letting one bad day ruin a week and the sooner you get back on track the better…
  • I do it whenever it will fit in to be perfectly honest. I prefer the middle of the day but obviously with working it's normally the evening - sometimes quite late for when the gym has quietened down!! I always try and wait at least an hour after eating - more like two if I'm doing a heavy gym session. I like doing some…
  • White bread causes you to put on weight around that area so I would suggest not even treating yourself tot hat if you have the calories to spare. Movements where you rotate from your waist can help. I do something called a russian twist - in a bridge position with just my shoulders on a swiss ball and pointing my hands…
  • My next door neighbour is stick thin bordering on looking anorexic and her husband regularly tells her he would prefer her to look a healthier weight - too skinny is unhealthy ... but my current weight is unhealthy too - I'm aiming for 147pounds so that I keep my curves but look and feel a bit healthier!!
  • Your current and end goal aren't too different from mine and I'm 22 from England. I started at 183.5 just about 4 weeks ago so I'm loving the results. It's a great diet if you can stick to it ... I let myself have a blow out last week for valentines and still maintained my weight. xxx
    in HEY!!!! Comment by rachefc February 2010
  • I'm in a very motivated place right now and in the last 3 weeks I've lost 9 and a half pounds after joining this website. I think the great thing about this website is it forces you to write down and look at what you are eating!! My mum has also been trying to diet and has spent the last few weeks being a little…
  • Good luck!! I got the app about 2 and a half weeks ago and so far have lost 9 and a half pounds! Loving the results :-)
  • I did half an hours breaststroke yesterday and the calculator suggested I did just over 400 calories. Do you think that is right because it seemed like a lot more than I would do in half an hour on a bike or treadmill. Rachel
  • It depends how bad it has got before you rest them. And do lots of stretches now and tomorrow etc, you don't only have to do them when you exercise!!
  • I think any distraction that keeps you going is a good thing. Maybe try to use the threads as a reward, have a spurt then slow down and read the threads. As long as your back can take it that is!!
  • I had gammon, new potatoes and some fresh veg :-)
  • Just keep going! If you keep repeating that same walk it will get easier each time. I used to be the same situation as yourself and used to go to the gym and could walk for long periods of time. I never thought I could run at all but I have applied for a job with the police and have to pass a fitness test so I enlisted the…