

  • I like the advice of working from an inclide and lowering that, but I'd also second the suggestion to work on the negative position. Start at the top of your pushup (plan position) and lower yourself down keeping your core tight and back straight. Once you reach the bottom, drop your knees and push yourself back up and…
  • Notebook + Pen + MS Excel if you want graphs.
  • I deal with this issue all the time and I usually rip doing pull ups or variations of (Kips, toe to bar, strict, etc.) and they are certainly something that you need to stay on top of. I have only been using a pumice stone for a while once the callus forms and is hard enough to file down. I would not recommend cutting them…
  • Buy some sort of monitor that will give you a better calculation of what you did? Some kind of heart rate monitor to get you an average heart rate and you might be able to calculate calories from that, or find a monitor that will tell you that as well.
  • Thanks all for the replies, very good information. I just need to go back to the scale and measure things out correctly, which I was doing for a while, and now can't seem to find my scale for some reason haha. Anyway, I really like them as a snack, maybe I need to change my thought process around them as more of a filler…
  • I completed a sprint tri over the summer and had a blast doing it. Set some really good times in all of my sections of what I was putting down for "training" which I kind of slacked on unfortunately... I would definitely recommend them to anyone, but I'd get into a short easy one that is like pool swimming instead of open…
  • I just had my intro course this morning! I did one full class when I was on a business trip and the moves were simple (meaning no crazy lifts where I could injur myself without proper form) including clean and jerk, pushups, and air squats. I had a great time with that and had to scale a bit on the cleans as I hadn't done…
  • From the program standpoint, it is pretty straightforward and basis. From what I've been reading on MFP, lots of people are using the program or some hybrid of it. Seems like the lifts the program uses are the best "Bang for the buck" workout, but there leaves some room for improvement if you're looking to address…
  • You can always modify to take off some of the extra weight. From doing p90x, you could put a stool under your pull up bar and stand on that with on leg so you're not lifting your entire weight. Also, I've noticed gyms having assisted pullup/dips machines where you can select the weight you want to use. Good luck out there!…
  • Another recommendation for Strong Lifts/Starting Strength. Find someone that can check his form as he gets started and he should be good to go. I've been doing Strong Lifts since May or so and have enjoyed it now that I'm up into some of the bigger weights. Nice program that is quick, and hits the big muscle groups.
  • Mine pop quite often when squatting. It doesn't seem to affect anything from what I can tell, and it actually feels a bit better once they do. I'd get someone to check your form in the squat if you can to make sure you aren't performing the move incorrectly. I used to have pretty bad knee pain and have really worked on…
  • I just tried my first CrossFit workout yesterday and really enjoyed it. I've been working through SL 5x5 for the past few months and have always been in and out of the gym anyway over the past couple of years. I don't think its a big secret of what crossfit is trying to accomplish with the HIIT, but I don't really see the…