Stairs! I work in at 38 fl building so it's easier for me to get a good workout on stairs. Just climb and get further each time before you take a break. That's how I train for the new england 4000 footers and let me tell you, my calves can kill by the falltime!
Hi everyone! I am 4 weeks pregnant with my first! yea!!!!
4 weeks pregant here! I'm sending you a request!
just got my bfp today! I'm about 4 weeks! I'll send a request. To everyone, feel free to add me and good luck!
I know you prbably dont mean to but you sound like a predator
I do this with salmon packets. LOVE THIS SNACK!
Maybe more fiber and protein, and a little less processed carbs? Honestly though, your diary looks fine minus the aforementioned bread. I has the same problem and started eating more frequently. Four protein packed snacks at work and a healthy dinner is what has been working for me.
bump for later. Thanks!
Congrats! Eat raw or clean, and run run run! I'm sure you'll bea a beautiful bride no matter what though! Your Fiance loves you just the way you are!