

  • I think most people have days like that. Do not worry about it, just move on and do not look back. Each day is a fresh start
  • Name Marian age 67 sorry Lulu you are not the oldest lol height 5;6" SW 266 UGW 160 CW 266 Hi everyone. I live in the Nort of England in the midst of beautiful countryside. I love walking my dogs, but am now restricted by my weight and medical conditions so I do not get as far as I would like. I recently gained another 14…
  • Looking forward to joining in the challenge this week.:happy:
  • Hi there You have taken the first step by joining us. You can do this one day at a time. I just joined last week and am building up to. Actually changing my eating.
  • great well done
  • I think the first steps are the hardest to take so thank you all for your words of support and encouragement
  • I am still finding my way around this site. Am going to start logging things on Saturday. I have taken the first couple of steps - joining here and getting weighed. I was dreading getting weighed knowingI had put on, but was so pleased that I am still a stone under my heaviest. I have been comfort eating for weeks now…
  • Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement. Your tips are going to be a big help. I did go for a walk this morning with the dogs, although not as long as I would like at least it is a start. Logging everything will be my next step. I know that I must do this and am getting my head around it one step at a time.