einzig Member


  • Thanks, sent you a friend request. :)
  • Thanks :) I didn't know about the 20%, but that's still 18 bucks more then you started with lol.
  • I've seen someone before post that they couldn't met their calories, and someone explained this to them. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to run properly, if you're not hitting that amount of calories you may be hurting yourself instead of helping yourself. If your body goes into starvation mode, it means it…
  • Soda for me. But if I'm at a restaurant I ask "coke or pepsi" before ordering, to know what version they have. If they have pepsi, I order diet, if they have coke I order regular. I don't like the taste of diet coke, and regular pepsi is too sugary for me.
  • Gambling lock? I thought 11 lbs would be ambitious too, but I did just start and usually the first week is a lot more than 2 lbs because of water weight and what not...so I'm pretty sure I can do it. Once I hit 200 lbs (75 lbs lost), 8 lbs a month is 4%. Figured if I work my butt off for the first few months I can get…
  • Thanks for the friends. :) I could use the support. I have a husband to support me, but he's never had a weight issue, or well, he's has the opposite problem he's TOO skinny. So it's hard for him to understand how much I need to lose, and what I need to do to lose it. He did go walking with my yesterday, twice, and he's…
    in Hello Comment by einzig October 2013
  • Already lost in the masses of introductions, lol.
    in Hello Comment by einzig October 2013