

  • Thank you all for your input....... Although 95% of my entries are complete with all meals, what I actually ate and activity posted ( all done thru myfitnesspal) , I am sure there are some of you that are not 100% all the time. If people bothered to read the previous posts and replies leading up to certain exchanges,…
  • I_Will_End_Yo I am using myfitnesspal for all my entries.....whatever minutes I spend doing an activity I log it. Are the details of the activity not visible ?? I am tracking things as best as I can for what I do..... When I do hiking or mtn biking those are the biggest burns for calories... and I have been doing some of…
  • The 3 inches have been from my arms, thighs and waist........ When I plug in my figures each day...the only thing myfitnesspal says is if I am under 1200 calories for the day it warns me to eat more. It doesn't say anything about having to eat more because I had exercised my butt off. Thing of it is.....I have been trained…
  • Okay...found the other security feature to display my diary......who knew you would have to look in two different places...LOL Thanks for your input and now that you can see my diary.....I hope there are others that have been stumped like I am now. I am faithfully using myfitnesspal and calculating everything I do.....I…
  • I used to be almost 300 lbs 7 years ago......I got down to my lowest BMI of 140.....started gaining back and wanted to change up my exercise I am wondering if I should go back to my other way of just doing cardio and be flabby !! I am with you terran1 :-( uuggghhh !
  • Okay...I figured out how to make myfitnesspal public so people can look at what I have been tracking. I hope that helps to see what I am doing...... Thanks for all the input so far.....keep it coming please :-)
  • It's a whole mind and body motivational movement. How did you feel about yourself the last time you were at your goal and maintained it ? You need to make lifestyle changes, not quick fixes. To do these changes, write down all that you want to right, exercise, lose weight, be more active in life, etc. The…
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