ginamisa Member


  • I'm 59 and have been recovering for over a year from gi surgery removing my pancreas, spleen and they had to touch my entire gi system to ensure no twisting, and then sprang a leak 4 days later which entailed reopening me to find it repair it...anyhow thank God am cancer free but am now type 1 diabetic...left the hospital…
  • As well, here is a pin that provides good ideas for keto swaps.
  • I'm trying to live the Keto lifestyle as well... :-) What helped me was watching videos by Dr. Robert Lustig helped me kick the sugar habit, I still sometimes give in but its way lower amounts then what I did in the past. :-) Here's one of the links As well my…
  • I was doing Keto since Jan...lost 30 lbs and improved kidney function, amazed Dr with no longer being classified as pre-diabetic after being so for 20 yrs. I did get side tracked for the past month but am driven to get back on track. Please feel free to add me too. :-)
  • Wow that's awesome! I've been doing keto since Jan...however lately with family gatherings and grandpa passing, family coming over and going back home to Hawaii and gave in to the daily habit of rice with ever meal. Getting back on track with Keto...lost 30lbs on Keto.
  • It was hard for me to give up coffee with vanilla creamer. But once I ran out of the creamer decided to do Bullet Proof coffee in the morn.. and it's been good- Got a battery operated frother... coconut oil, butter and a scoop of collagen peptide... a capful of skinny girl 0 carb chocolate truffle syrup....yummy and helped…
  • Started Keto in Jan @ 212 3/1 199.9 3/7 198.6 3/15 194.8 (yesterday was 195.9)
  • My goal is continue Low Carb - Right now focusing on the 10% Carb/30% Protein/60% Fat... interesting whenever I think I've overdone it on fat that's when I lose...looking at my macros it's like the days I hit 65-70% fat I still kind pretty new to this... Jan 2017....but after a weeks of stalls I'm finally at a…
  • I just signed up for it thru work as well.....Does Omada work with My Fitness Pal and Fitbit? I've been doing pretty well now for a couple mos with MFP and Fitbit... would be a shame if I have to log at 2 places. :-(
  • I started eating Keto in Jan... and while I dropped from 212 to 205 in a few weeks... I stalled and fluctuated up and down for a good few weeks. then it would drop a lb then fluctuate up and then back to that new weight... and on and on it went like that. I was thinking I'd never get below 200. I do notice that on days…
  • I got some looks when went to an Italian Restaurant with a bunch of co workers...Our annual winter gathering. I ordered the Seafood mix that was supposed to go on Linguine... but asked them to put it on a bed of spinach or arugula instead. She tried to tell me she couldn't do that as it's already made... and told her...…
  • Totally understand I've been kinda stuck too... well just broke it myself... this week... but it's bouncing between 198 to 199.9 .... I did find that when I increased my fat intake and did only 7% carbs that was the day I went under 200.... I tend to try to hit 10% carbs 60% Fat 30% Protein.... Right now I'm trying a rite…
  • Continue tracking thru the whole month of Feb and get 10k steps atleast 6 days a week. More water...and learning more about staying in Keto. I'd love to lose 6 lbs in Feb (more really- but will keep it real and obtainable) .
  • I am a noob to keto... just started learning about it. It's a way way different mindset, eating way then any conventional diet for sure. I've been doing it probably since New Years week. And lost 11 lbs... however been stalling here and there... so really could use a Keto Mentor. :-)
  • I got my fitbit back round Oct I believe after my old school pedometer died and am loving it... I have the fitibit 1. I clip it to my bra or my pjs at night and I love that it syncs with computer and helps track my activity during the day... for me I'm just beginning down the road of wearing it..first gave me…
  • I have a fitbit...but am told that the Basis has the technology to track your heartrate and steps and intensity of the workout... it's just a big bulky thing right now..but wearable tech is the new big thing... so am expecting it to improve. But if you don't mind the bigness of it... might be a good option.
  • 1 Oz of Cheese.... or 1/2 cup of rice.... or an oz of meat. Wow... yep 4 oz of wine... hmmm who does that... :-(
  • Mee TOO! I need to lose 40 - 50 lbs! I just started tracking my food last week and am wearing a fitbit to help me track to get to 10,000 steps a day....and joined a weight management class at work 2 weeks ago... weight not budging yet... but am believing that I can and WILL LOSE THIS WEIGHT! How are you guys working on…
  • My pedometer broke this past weekend but am planning to get a used fitbit one and am continuing to shoot to develop a more active lifestyle. :-) Right now am shooting for 10k steps atleast 4x a week...and am working to make that a daily habit to making it everyday 10k. I try to take a few breaks a day to walk the interior…