

  • I'm now on day 8 of my liquid diet and I don't feel like I'm losing much energy, I feel about the same and exercise 2-3 times per day for an hour a piece. I'll usually wake up, make a protein shake and take my PB8, Krill Oil, Multi vitamin, and fat burner and then go for a 1 hour walk and run up 2 sets of stairs or take a…
  • So does anyone know how long it'd take to put on inches or how many inches you'd put on if you went from not eating anything to eating something? and how long it would take?
  • I'm not worried about the weight itself, I'm curious as to how long it would take to re-add the inches that I've taken off with it.
  • I believe I've been drinking a fluctuating 400-850 calories per day whilst on this diet, prior to that on my regular diet I've been maintaining anywhere from 600-1200 whilst never going above 1.5k. I've been told many times that it's below the amount that I should be taking in daily due to my size but I just don't get very…
  • So you don't think there will be any real change over the first week? If I continue to eat intelligently and I don't go crazy, do you think I can maintain the same size while switching back to regular foods?
  • I haven't been, it's something I could do later but with me leaving so soon, I doubt this would be a prime time to start. :p I just recently found the site and plan to start as I get home and continue with my normal regimen of slow and steady weight loss but I'm just really trying to set my mind at ease that I won't bloat…
  • Honestly it's not a matter of people noticing, it's a trip to various theme parks that me and my family have planned for a long time and I've had this deep fear that I won't be able to get onto the rides. I just want to keep it down until I've gone and rode them and then I won't mind giving myself a break. I'm down from a…
  • I'd like to add that I'm not thinking long term here, I really just want to keep the weight off whilst I'm away, if I were to re-gain it in the following weeks I really wouldn't mind, I'll take my step back and just get back to it, if I could start eating normally again (but still healthy) tomorrow and keep my…
  • There's this stigma with liquid diets that they're just a temporary fix and that they never work, and if that's the case that's fine and I'll have learned my lesson, I'm only concerned that I'm going to regain a large amount of weight out of nowhere over the week that I'm there due to the fact that my metabolism may have…
  • I have no interest in over indulging, I plan to maintain eating how I was prior to the liquid diet, healthier choices with smaller portions more often, I just want to know if there's going to be a drastic change in size due to eating absolutely nothing solid for a whole week and then switching it up and suddenly eating…
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