

  • Physiologically, if you expect to build muscle and get proper nutrition please eat your exercise calories. That muscle will burn more calories pound for pound just sitting on your body than a pound of fat will but you can't make muscle without the right building blocks.
  • Just be careful about what you're really taking. Virtually every weight loss pill contains a stimulant and all they do is make your heart race. Yes, that will make you lose weight, but not in a healthy way and as soon as you stop taking the bad medicine the weight will come back. On it's own, green tea has a little…
  • I have one ruptured disk in my lower back and two bulging disks in my upper back and neck due to a couple nasty car wrecks. My Physical Therapist absolutely insists that I maintain good posture all the time to help keep things aligned and that includes when I'm excercising. It looked and felt a bit silly to me at first to…
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