These natural supplements are supposed to be taken with a healthy diet and exercise. So hard to say if they actually work or not. The extract itself scientifically does help with weight loss. But how effective it is varies from each person. I wouldn't write Garcinia Cambogia off because I've had the actual fruit and it…
Thanks for sharing. It is basic stuff but that's really the foundation to losing weight. Here's a basic 5 minute workout I do to add to my workout routine. Usually I do it spontaneously (like in the office) or as a warmup. 1 minute pushups (do as many as you can) 1 minute wall sit 1 minute plank 1 minute right lunge 1…
Whether Garcinia Cambogia works or not depends on the person and their current health conditions. My wife is taking Garnicia Cambogia to ADD to her diet and exercise program. The reason why she started taking it is because of the nutritional values Garcnicia Cambogia has that can give her a little boost. Same idea as…
Some people have said that garcinia cambogia has worked for them. However, there is no "magic pill". Weight loss supplements can help boost your weight loss with the proper diet and exercise combined. If you're eating unhealthy foods and taking supplements, it's a no brainer that nothing going to happen. Here's my advice:…
Just keep up the good work and follow through with the program. You will get to your fitness goals and shouldn't worry about the girls in the workout program. They wok much much harder to get there. You'll be toned before seeing muscles. Your body loses weight as a whole and unfortunately, the stomach is the last place to…
Your body loses fat as whole, not certain spots that you emphasize on. Best thing to do are full body workouts that work the core. Try to mix up your routines between upper and lower body.
Both programs are great and will yield results. The main point is whether you'll stick to the program and follow it through. If you tend to give up in the beginning, then nothing will work. If you finish the programs, you'll see great results. For me, I enjoyed Insanity more. I love the the intensity and the challenge. But…
Actually, your body is already a great source for weight. Just need to do a different variation of a pushup, or plank. Changing from two legs to one leg. Kettlebells are great too. A lot of creative exercises you can do with kettlebells.
I think it's a great idea to introduce Insanity to a PE class. The mix workouts and movements adds a lot of fun to the kids and gives them a challenge. However, I think it's vitally important that the PE teacher doesn't push the kids to keep up with the rhythm and complete the sessions. It's REALLY intense. Best to let…