

  • Thanks for the sound advice Joan, I will really consider what goals I can set for myself "WHEN" I reach my goal, that's a really helpful response! :) Kate... I too am so glad to find someone in a similar boat to me!!
  • Welcome to the thread Laura, hope you find this thread as helpful as I have, since I started using the message birds(earlier the week!!) I feel so much better and more positive about things!! Emma.. I know dog walking is a great thing! I walk mine too our local fruit and veg store once a week it's about a 90 mins to two…
  • I read recently that the reason some of us crave sweet after savoury is because when we were young our parents would reward us with something sweet for eating our main dinner, this translates into habit, feeling the need for a reward, and often leads to rushing the main course to get to the sweet reward at the end! Well,…
  • P.s. Please excuse my awful spelling!! I'm posting from my phone so it's a bit challenging doing large amounts of text!! :@)
  • Hi all!! Thanks for your welcome messages etc!! My finals ended in July, so I've been having that " I deserve a break" feeling for about a month! It was a nightmare as I do comfort eat through the stress of it all and also I was often too tired to cook meals so hubby and I would eat far too many takeaways etc :( anyway…
  • I agree - your body metabolises at the same rate when you're asleep and resting as awake and resting - it's a bit of an urban myth that eating after 8pm is bad for you or puts extra weight on etc.
  • Once a week either during the day or in the evening I roast diced up courgette, aubergine, onions and peppers in a bit of olive oil and some mixed herbs for about 40 minutes. They keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days. Each day I then spread a wrap with light houmous add the veg and some jarred red…
  • Oh I feel your pain! I think that some of us are just pre-programmed to carry weight in certain places and that's the area that always loses weight last. I would keep up with your good work done so far for another few weeks to see if you notice any difference - maybe to some measuring to see if there is actually any change…
  • Thanks Jim - your advise makes sense, I do certainly have to eat most of my exercise calories as I just can't manage on 1200, I think I will take your and Daninevi's advice and switch down to 1lb per week!
  • Aww thanks so much both of you, I feel a bit better already! I wonder if I should change my goal from 2lb per week to 1lb to give a few extra calories as MFP suggests I should be on 1200 calories and I'm just really struggling with it!!
  • Just joined the forum and found this thread which looks great - I'd love to join THE! I have actually posted a thread just a few minutes ago as I'm feeling like I'm not getting very far very fast. I'm hoping to drop from 142 to about 130lbs after putting on a lot of exam-related weight during my finals!