

  • My favourite go to green smoothie is plain and simple aka delicious! 2 handfuls spinach 1 banana ( I prefer it not frozen) 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup water Blend till smooth
  • Wow, just amazing! This is my third attempt at losing weight and something just finally clicked this time, it's a lifestyle not a diet. :smile:
  • Wow amazing! Great motivation :happy: : I'm 5"2 and in feb 2013 I weighed 235 pounds (107kgs) I have lost 92 pounds (42kgs) so far, would love to lose another 22 pounds (10 kgs). The stubborn tummy fat hasn't budged yet! Can't wait to get to my goal weight of 121 pounds (55 kgs) and tone up as much as possible. Can't add a…