2karma Member


  • I've lost most of what I wanted to. However, still working on the last 3 pounds. I've almost gotten there, and then slid back. I feel it is within reach, but I'm happy with the progress made so far. I want to do it comfortably, and without starving. I think that consistent exercise is key, but kind of need help with this…
  • I'm 52, and 7 months ago I weighed almost 163 pounds and was very sedentary. I knew I wasn't who I was supposed to be. . Started working out with a great (and supportive) trainer - core work and strength training has really helped. It was pricey, but I have spent so much more on quick fixes, that didn't stick. . Started…
  • Peanut butter and Jelly Quest Bars: 200 calories of yummy (satisfying) goodness. Goes great with a nice big mug of hot water!
  • 2nd try - I hope this works, otherwise I apologize! This is me (in the same shirt)in August 2013, and then in March 2014 (after 5 months on MFP)
  • August 2013 March 2014
  • I think planning my meals and knowing what I will have for snacks has been a big help. Most days I fill out my MFP food diary in advance, and then just follow the plan. I can always revise it, but seeing it laid out in black and white is very reassuring :)