Anyone who is curious about this, like the original poster was since they obviously had experienced the effects of this first hand, should read some of the work by Gary Taubes, Michael Eades, M.D., Dr. Robert Lustig, and Peter Attia, M.D. They are all trying to knock some holes into the sacred dogma of "a calorie is a…
"Energy density (calories) of food does matter, for sure, but what matters much more is what that food does in and to our bodies. Will the calories we consume create an environment in our bodies where we want to consume more energy than we expend? Will the calories we consume create an environment in which our bodies…
A calorie is a calorie, but your body will do different things with a calorie (store, or burn it) depending on what it's effect is on your insulin. Insulin is the key to fat storage, that's why lowcarbers may have an easier time losing more weight. They turn off the fat storage hormone. So all calories are not equal. Go to…