

  • 4. HAs anyone breastfed and had it make you keep your weight on? [/quote] YES!!! i was told for years that breastfeeding helped lose weight after birthing baby....well not for everybody. Did you know that the hormone responsible for lactation is prolactin and it is also an appetite STIMULANT!?! for moms with normal hormone…
  • about 14 years ago i was where you are. i went to my dr who ran a blood test and he just said it came back "within the normal range" he politely patted me on the head and told me to watch what i ate a little better and exercise more and then showed me to the door with a patronizing smile that completely robbed me of any…
  • What different approach should be made for someone with hypothyroidism? i was diagnosed with it several years ago and have been on meds the whole time but the meds have not helped me with my weight struggle. i feel so lost and struggling. several weeks ago some close friends of mine started an 800 calorie/day diet and i…
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