

  • I hope that I am not breaking the rules, I wanted information on this same topic. I did 2 things. I checked out the website for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015 -‎. Lots of information here. I also bought the eBook by Nick Pineault. which is very specific on truths and…
  • Before my early morning 2 miles walk, i eat nothing but I drink a glass of water. Go and walk, sweat like crazy, return home, read the NY times, bathe and then have a hearty breakfast as they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The kind of breakfast I have varies but it always include fruits or a drink…
  • You are definitely correct. Snacking on the wrong food is not only bad for your weight, more importantly it is bad for your health. When I am under stress and at home, I snack a lot on any food I can find in the house. I had to stop that. It is very important to have the right kind of food in the house i.e. the healthy…
  • I do not know what eBook she is talking about but what I do know is my friend introduced me to an eBook called the truth about fat burning foods by Nick Pineault. He has done much research on the topic of fat burning foods stating what are the true ones and exposing the ones that to him from the results of his research do…
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