Its hard not to drink beer during the summer.....and I gain a lot of weight during these months because I drink a lot of beer......come Fall.....I see the work it back off over the winter.....Ideally Id like to get to 200 lbs....thats only 30 pounds......should be there by April :smiley:
Just want to say thanks to those that have sent Friend requests to help me on my journey.....Ive tried and succeeded on this site just took quitting beer to keep my numbers close
This makes a lot of sense and is the answer I was looking for,,,,thank you for caring enough to help me Im actually quite surprised nobody told me I needed AA more than weightloss but trust me....Ive cut way back on the alcohol intake if you can believe that and I have used this program before and lost 40 pounds while…
Very inspirational....thanks for sharing.....only my second day back but I feel good already getting some walking in :)
Lost 40 using this program Nov - April 2012 .....gained it all back I may strive for 60 pounds this be 180 would be amazing.....but baby steps