

  • Nice! I really want Skyrim next. Held off on it so I could get GTA5. (:
  • I enjoy walking but there are no sidewalks here and the roads are so narrow! Wish the roads were wider. And I hope to find the right one. I am going to check out some on Youtube and then possibly purchase some workout DVDs in the future. Once again, thanks everyone.
  • Thank you for your input. I would love to try Zumba, so nad! Just need to get a space cleared out so I have room to do it. Lol. Atleast cleaning is exercise too!
  • Thank you for the advice. I'm leaning more towards youtube workout vids or some DVDs. Of course with eating better. Should help in the long run! Thank you all for the big welcome. :)
  • Thank you. That is great to hear. I have a lot of health problems, Two disc herniations in my back, so i need something low impact. (:
  • Yes, the stress is not good for us! I am playing GTA 5 and COD 2 Black Ops. Mostly the Zombies. (: Not many other games right now, sadly. Would love to get the kinect again and get some of those workout games.. What about you?
  • Wow! Thank you all. And yes, I do plan on eating right too. And I was eying Zumba. I am a gamer myself, so that is awesome. If any of you would like to add me, feel free! I will definitely love to check out the youtube videos. That would be so helpful and it's free! Such a huge plus. :)