Primalgal Member


  • Thank you for this much needed shot of inspiration! You look amazing!! Lori
  • Good morning all! W3D2 is in the books! Went ok except for my feet. Still trying different shoe inserts and today's choice was not the best. I'll get it sorted one of these days. How are you all doing? Lori
  • Decided to put off my next workout till tomorrow morning. I do my workouts at 5:30AM outside and today it is 35 degrees and will be 45 brainer. Actually, running in 30 degree temps isn't too bad, but 40's sound better! Have a great day everyone! Lori
  • So glad to see all the new faces here! Let's use this thread to post our progress etc. Come in every day that you run or whatever and let us know how it went. We can help each other get thru this & become true runners! Let's go! Lori
  • W3D1 is complete! Since I only did 2 workouts of week 2, I wasn't sure how it would go, but I had no problem. How are you all doing? :flowerforyou:
  • I'm redoing C25k too! I completed it in January, but have just been "playing" at running since then. I decided to start all over. Even when I completed the program and ran for the whole 30 minutes, I only covered 2.5 miles. <<Penguin here! Sending friend request! Lori
  • I was sitting in my office and heard about it on the radio. They said "We are under attack". My husband called me and said "What is going on??" We were due to fly out the following day on a trip to Denver. We thank God that we weren't flying on that day. A horrible, horrible day. I have visited the emotional…
  • Hello Everyone, Here I am, back to attempting this intuitive eating thing. As you see by my "name" I was really in to primal/paleo for awhile. As with any plan where you eliminate a food group, its hard to sustain. Eating mindfully is and has been how I want to live. I've had a weight problem my whole life and I'm just…
  • 52 here! On a mission to lose about 50 lbs & be strong & healthy. I spend most of my summer walking the golf course and dabble in running & some lite weight training. My problem....I am a volume eater. It takes a LOT of food to make me feel satisfied...the trick is to choose the right foods! I'm trying not to obsess about…
  • I've been using mine day and night since early March! I just need to be better at getting 10,000 steps a day! Hope you like yours!
  • Count me in among the slow, fat runners! I've been running for over a year now. I took some time off and am now back out there redoing C25k. You said you want to run/walk every day till race day? I would be careful. The rest days are an important part of your training too! I second the idea of new training shoes. Will…
  • Awesome! I finished C25k earlier this year and it does feel amazing! I only made it 2.5 miles in the 30 minutes so no worries there! You did great! Lori
  • Thank you SO much for sharing your story & pictures! Very inspirational! Congratulations!
  • Another Pennsylvanian here! I'm an hour north of Harrisburg and an hour east of State College. Pretty much the middle of the state. Anyone can feel free to friend me. I need to buckle down and get serious about this weight loss. Maybe a new crop of friends will be the kick in the pants that I need! Lori
  • I am a beginning runner & find I do best with a low heel drop sort of minimalist shoe. I have totally flat feet, but when I wear the "corrective" shoes that were recommended at a running store, my ankles hurt....even with just walking. With the shoes that let my foot do what it does naturally, no pain! I am much heavier…
  • Good for you for starting your running again! Sounds like you may need updated shoes, plus make sure you're not overstriding and heel striking as that can be hard on your knees. I've been running(slowly) for almost a year now. My best 5k time is 39 min. I did the C25k plan and now I'm working on a bridge to 10k plan to try…
  • The advice I was given when I did C25k was not to worry about speed. Concentrate on keeping going for the time called for in the plan. I graduated from C25k and when I did my 30 minute run, I only covered 2.5 miles. Speed will come later......Good Luck!
  • Central PA hour north of Harrisburg!
  • Welcome! You have a great attitude and I'm sure you'll reach your goals! You're off to a great start! Be kind to yourself and enjoy the journey! Lori
  • I would say ease into it and see how you feel. I have a friend who ran long distances at 250+ pounds. Everyone is different. My one suggestion is to take small strides(steps) and try to land on your mid-foot...not your heel. Heel striking leads to knee problems. When I was starting, I used this visualization. Try to…
  • Hello Group! I hope it's ok that I've joined you. A week ago I graduated from the C25k program and am continuing in my journey. I think I will always incorporate walking into my runs, as it's a good way to be able to keep running without injury. This is the method used by Jeff Galloway. Anyway, I wanted to encourage you…
  • As many people have already said, just start slowly. Also your stride is important. You want a short stride length with a mid foot landing. You want to avoid heel striking as that is like putting on the brakes and is very jarring to your knees and entire body. Warm up by moving(walking) and stretch AFTER. Never stretch…
  • Great program! I just "graduated" on Sunday January 15. I'm soon to be 52 years old and was a good 50 lbs overweight when I started. I'm slowly losing weight(more due to diet than anything) and am so proud to have finished the C25k program! I'm very slow and when I run for 30 minutes, I only cover about 2.5 miles. On…
  • I did my final run yesterday! I can't believe I actually did it! Now I just have to get my speed up as 30 minutes of running only gets me to 2.5 miles right now. Yesterday once I hit the 30 min mark, I walked for a little bit and then alternated running and walking to finish a 5k distance. My previous 5k attempts were…
  • I graduated today, January 15, 2012!! I'm still quite slow, but to be able to keep running for 30 minutes is just amazing to me! Today my 30 min run got me to 2.5 miles and then I took a walk break and then alternated running and walking to finish the 5k route in 39:06...a personal best! My previous 5k times were always…
  • Just to let you all know.......the program works and you CAN do it! The key is to keep it slow. I'm starting Week 9 tomorrow & I still can't believe it! I'm soon to be 52 years old and carrying almost 50 lbs of extra weight. If I can do it, anyone can! Lori
  • Just finished Week 8 of C25k and this morning I did 28:07 minutes of running, covered 2.21 miles, so that's a 12:43 pace & 4.72 mph. I'm "hauling" about 30-40 lbs too much weight, so I can't expect to be speedy! :wink: I'm hoping that speed comes with weight loss and time. You'll do great in the marathon!! Lori
  • I just did W8D2 today! I had to use the treadmill for the first time since staring C25k since it was 10F outside! BRRR!!! You are doing great.....after week 7, the rest of the program is downhill! You can do it! Lori
  • Couch to 5k is a great program. I would urge you to get outside to run whenever you can. I don't know how cold it gets where you are, but I have run in 19F and didn't mind it a bit. You just have to layer and dress for it. Now...if there is snow/ice, that's a different story. I won't go out if the footing is not good. I…
    in 5K Comment by Primalgal December 2011
  • Fantastic!! I'm up to running 2 miles without stopping and am shooting for running a whole 5k with no walking! You did it! Sign up for that 5k & have a blast! Lori