CC13x Member


  • I have successfully lost weight in the past - over 2 stone, but feel that in my new job all is do is eat crappppp!! I have joined the gym, now I just need to properly change my diet and hopefully with time it will fall off again
  • Thanks for all the replys :) Yeah I think I might try some sort of protein one as I don't intake enough which will be good for the gym
  • Have you not had any success with any then?
  • Hi all :) This sounds like a great group for me to join :) Cannot wait to start "No Binge November" I sometimes struggle with binge eating as I am recovering from Bulimia and looking for a healthy way to start losing weight but also try not to fall back into my old ways xx
    in Check in Comment by CC13x October 2013
  • Thanks, I have sent you a friend request. I have been thinking about herbalife but been unsure of it for some reason, there are so many mixed reviews x