MrsStrom725 Member


  • Psoriasis, vitiligo and arthritis, with a healthy does of EPP thrown in for good measure! Haha! Have you gone on an autoimmune protocol yet? I'd recommend and or for help. Good luck!
  • I'm a personal trainer/nutritionist; fruit is not that good for you. Its great as a treat, but I don't recommend that anybody use it as a staple. Vegetables are quite lower in calories and have just as many nutrients. :smile:
  • has TONS of great recipes many of which are deserts and breads. you can even friend them of fb.
  • Sleep. Inadequate sleep causes a rise in cortisol, which makes losing weight next to impossible. Try sleeping in complete darkness: heavier curtains, a towel over the alarm clock, tape over the light on the fire detector....
  • Read 10 different books on when the best time to workout is, and you'll get 10 different answers. My answer: whenever you'll get up and workout. Want to know what the best kind of cardio is? The kind you'll actually do. I'd limit the cardio to 45 minutes or less. After that your cortisol levels rise, and that's a bad…
  • My first guess would have been plantar fascitis. And it still could be, just in a different area of your foot. But it could be your shoes, or a stress fracture. RICE, ibuprofen. If it doesn't start to get better in a few days, see a doctor. ~Andrea, NCSF CPT