

  • Hi, I'm from Manchester and also new to this forum. I'm a veteran 'looser' and have been successful in loosing 70 lbs 25 years ago( I'm 42). I still have that nasty 8-10 lbs that won't budge and grows into 28 lbs if I'm not careful. I don't diet but eat clean i.e no processed foods or drink. Hope we can swap ideas and…
  • Hi from Manchester - feel free to add me.
  • Eating is about 80% of the weight loss equation with the other 20% being exercise.( some experts say 70/30 but I go with Jillian michaels) I do 6 sessions of very strenuous weights and cardio program. I do one hour and sweat like mad- burning between 500/700 cals an hour depending on what I'm doing. As long as you get the…
  • I have gone from 28% body fat to 13. 1 % in 12 months using a heart rate monitor to gauge my calorie burn. I found that most machines over estimate calories a LOT and the a 30 min walk will burn approximate 300 cals depending on what you weigh and if it is on an incline. What I did find that was the basis of my cardio…