Zephalia Member


  • Thank you so much. This was just what I needed to hear - and spot on. It's not just one meal - because tomorrow I will hear the same thing from someone else. I will practice shrugging these attitudes off and trying not to let it bother me so much. You make an excellent point that food should not be a reward. And that's…
  • I will stay on track today because after 2 days of eating garbage over the weekend - I feel drained and disgusting. I want to feel like I did last week. Energized, relaxed and happy!
  • I can only imagine that making a move like that would have a pretty big impact on your lifestyle. So you slacked off because you had a lot of other stuff going on in your life - big deal! Everyone is allowed to have those moments, you can't be 'perfect' all the time. My advice is to forgive yourself for the slight slide…
  • I just started having smoothies for breakfast this week. Today was day 3. I've started out with the easier to palate fruits and yogurt mixes. I do have a green smoothie recipe I am going to try out later this week when I've gotten used to the texture - which sort of bothers me. It has spinach as the green.
  • Absolutely you can reach your weight goals by eating better and walking. I try to walk 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes each time. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I just make better food choices so I'm not racking up the calories and I've lost 16 lbs already.
  • I recently watched this as well and was taken aback by a lot of the information they shared. I'm off soft drinks as a result - but I wasn't into them a whole lot beforehand anyway. Sugar all together I'm trying to stay away from. Certainly was eye opening.
  • I agree with all the others telling you not to weigh yourself so frequently. Changes are not immediate! Try weighing yourself once a week or every other week to get a better sense of which direction you're headed. I mean, if I haven't taken a poop for a day or two and I weighed myself, I would think I'd gained...but drop…
  • When I first began using the phone app in January, I quickly became obsessed as well. Choosing the healthiest and lowest calorie options available to me. In theory - that's a great choice, but it got to the point where I would eat almost all day nonstop snacking on fruits/vegetables and I was barely hitting 1000 cal/day.…
  • Crock Pot Garlic Roast & Potatoes Ingredients: -cheapest cut of roast you can find or whatever you prefer -1 medium yellow onion -1 head of garlic (not cloves, but a whole head - 2 if you really love garlic) -5-6 red potatoes -sea salt -pepper Directions: -Liberally salt the roast. This is important as it will create a…
  • 29 year old single Mother of two (8 and 6) who works full time here. :) I find that having the children around makes it easier for me to eat healthy because I prepare meals more regularly with their health in mind - but that finding the time to exercise is harder. Not that I'm big into exercise really - I mostly walk the…
  • Sugar is immediately turned into fat by insulin when it is digested. Cutting it out is absolutely, 100%, the right choice.
  • This may be surprising to a lot of people but tea is actually quite hard on your stomach lining and so it makes a lot of sense that if you had an empty tummy - it would not be happy. I suffer from gastritis - inflammation of my stomach tissues - and I steer clear of tea unless it's with a meal.
  • Welcome, I'm new here too. Also a 29 year old single mother of two! I'm aiming to make better choices and be accountable for them by tracking what I'm eating. I started in the New Year and lost 16 lbs. - I didn't have a goal at that point - just wanted to make better choices. Since then I put back on about 7lbs since I got…
  • Winnipeg here. :)