ShayeJohnson Member


  • I am on week 6. And it is really a challenge. I like it so far and have noticed I'm getting stronger, just gotta work on my eating better to really see results
  • I'm originally from NY now located in TX
  • Hi April, a few questions: What's ur schedule like now? When do u usually work out? What are your eating habits? How serious are you to get healthy? I ask the last one bcuz no one can help you unless you really want to do the work its going to take. Add as a friend, so we can help each other...
  • Well idk about the others that are going crazy about whether it is this or that, but if you would like to try it (for free) i can send you a box.. Inbox me and we can talk.. Thats all I have to say on that, lol.
  • I JUST bought this DVD about 30 min ago, I am with any1 that wants to start.. please add me, it will help me with accountability...
  • I NEED a twin, its easier for me to stay motivated if i have someone that has the same goals: age: 27 height: 5'8 SW: 202 CW: 193 GW: 150-160ish
  • I dont think I would, thats bcuz i am not ready to expose that much of me... BUT on you it looks good. Its more of if you feel good in it and if you like how you look in it. that is really what matters.
  • simple answer... YES!! I am the same way (check my page) i will send you a friends request. We can do this and we will continue to inspire each other. The best way to stay on track is to have smaller goals, and check each one as you go. what are some of your goals? email me and we can help each other...
  • hey! you can add me too, Im in VA right now but moving to Tx.. Im always looking for new friends to inspire and to inspire me!.. lets get it!