weekari Member


  • Thanks for all the advice and comments! I definitely feel more sure of what to do once I'm back training again...I'm going to increase my overall calorie intake to match what I'm burning, with some more fat, increase my water and will try pay more attention to what is happening with my body. My heart rate is back to normal…
  • Fine I think. Not had it checked in a while but it's never been an issue. Other than this weekend, I've been well and never get ill etc or trouble fainting. I'll maybe run it again once I'm feeling more normal but I did it twice and it was in the 50s both times.
  • I know it's low but that's what the HR monitor reads! I had to have my heart function checked a few years back and everything was super healthy. I have been exercising for a long time- cardio for years and years before I switched to this current program so I am pretty fit (aside from my current state!)
  • Usually my water intake is OK I drink loads during exercise but afterwards it can vary depending on what I'm doing- I'd say typically it's about a litre a day but that was the norm for me before I upped my protein so maybe I could try increasing water too. My bf actually said to me recently I looked dehydrated and when I…
  • :noway: OMG I do not like the though of that one bit! I definitely will see a GP if my symptoms continue- esp the high HR and temp and won't even think of going to the gym until I'm 100% I'm hoping that I've not done myself too much harm and with some TLC, I can bounce back *fingers crossed* I'm glad of the recommendation…
  • Thanks guys!! A lot of this is helpful. Just a few point to clarify... I definitely have gained muscle mass. I have been measuring my BF and and have been tracking changes in my body with photos and measurements, along with my actual weight. I know weight loss is not the most accurate measurement of outcome. So I know I've…
  • It does sound a bit obvious when you put it like that! :smile: Should it be the equivalent though? If I burn 800 calories, should I eat those back?