

  • Day 10 complete and I finally felt good at the end. Still sweating but the moves seemed a bit easier today.l Still not sure about moving up to level 2. :ohwell: we'll see how much energy i have tommorrow. One third of the way there! Keep going!
  • Day 9 done and I"m exhausted. :grumble:
  • Day 8 done!! I don't know how many calories I burned b/c I actually did it from memory but I wanted to watch a show and dont own DVR. I was a little slow on things. It took me about 25 minutes but got all the moves in and was sweating by the end. Oh and I agree the push up are still tough,e even on my knees.
  • Day 7 done!! and I got my wish for spring. Well it actualluy felt more like summer, 78 degrees for the high today !! Enjoyed walking outside in th fresh air, but short lived because the winds are howling and the storm front is moving in. Back to the 40's tonight. Ugh!
  • Hi Thanks for the info. I thought it meant that you agreed with what the person was saying it was a way to give them the Knuckle Bump that so many people do now a days instead of high fives like when we we younger. LOL!
  • I haven't qutie gotten to 30 lbs but well on the way. 20 lbs in 2 months and I am part of weight loss competition at work that ends may 9th so hoping i can lose 10 more. $$$ was the first motivation factor as we all put in 50 bucks and the top prize is 1100, but after a month realized that good health and energy have…
  • Day 6--DONE,:flowerforyou: and a 4 mile walk, Bring on Spring!!!
  • It is a DVD workout by Jillian Michaels. She is one of the trainers from The Biggest Loser show It is a 20 minute work out that has 3 levels. 10 days then move up to the next level and you can lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days. Keeps the heart rate up for 3 minutes then 2 minutes the one minute Strength - Carido and Abs. I…
  • Same for me 2 Shreds in 12 hours. Worked a 12 hour day again yesterday and then did Day 4 and it seemed really hard. But I got a lot of rest and was off work today so I got my workouts in earlier. Day 5 =Done ! I also reached my mini goal of 20 lbs so treated myself to massage. Have a great weekend everyone!! :wink:
  • Day 3 done and my thighs are really hurting from the squats. My 12yr son decided he would try it with me because he thought it looked "easy" Big surprise for him when he had to keep stopping to catch his breath. LOL says he wants to keep doing it every day. We'll see how he's feeling tommorow. my goal is to to do level 1…
  • Hi I did not get to check in yesterday but completed day 2 and it was a bit harder than day 1, must be the sore muscles. I am alternating between 3 and 5 lb weights also becasue some of the moves are just to straining with the 5's alone. I am going to look into that HR monitor. Thanks for the info Jenn
  • Question for those of you who are counting the calories you burned while doing the DVD. How are you calculting this? thanks
  • Hi all, Wow, that was NOT as bad as I was expecting. I am so happy that I was able to finish. Did modified pushups and almost gave up during the last set of abs, but JM was encouraging at just the right moments. I was so thrilled that I walked 3 miles on my treadmill after. I must say i am very impressed with my self…
  • I just bought the DVD, so I'm in. I don't know what I am getting my self into, but looking for encouragement. Haven't done this before so it should be interesting.