

  • Had it only happened once I suspect I would have shrugged it off. It would be several years before the term disappeared, though the pain didn't.
  • Yo Renegade, I'd like to think that though I don't wear the uniform, I still serve. Now my service is in the form of working to make sure Veterans aren't mistreated by the VA. To that end Gunny and I helped the regional office in Arkansas, rethink their Service Dogs access rules, to the point that they are now 100% ADA…
  • When I got back from Vietnam, I was called 'Baby Killer' a few times. Now I know it's not true because I spent my whole Tour of Duty, as far North and West as you can get in that country, and there were no civilians anywhere near my Area of Operations. Never the less, it was not a pleasant experience. And I am still paying…