emailjayne Member


  • I'd like to lose some boogage! I'm a 38DDD (yep, that's 3 D's ladies!). And I'd be happy witha full C!!!!! The bouncing is just too much when I walk (and embarrass myself by trying to run)!
  • Thanks for the post. I'm new to MFP (just two days!) and it never crossed my mind that this issue would come up. Now I can be aware of it. Thanks again and good luck to you!!
  • Thanks, Likesveges! We'll see when the holidays roll around how creative I really can be! LOL!
  • Go to my favorite recipe website: Then click on 'menus" then click on "budget" . They have lots of choices! And, as others have said, if you can go meatless, that will help a lot! Brown rice, beans, and canned, diced tomatoes can go a long way (if you can get creative). Good luck! You can do it! I think $30…
  • I find to be a great website. They post nutritional information about their recipes and you can do a variety of types of searches. Also, I love the componant of the site that lets you put in a few ingredients that you have on hand and it searches for recipes for those ingredients! That's very handy when I…
    in Meals Comment by emailjayne August 2012
  • Thanks! Hilarious as hell sounds right up my alley! :laugh:
  • Hi! I think I just sent you a message! LOL!! I thought it would post here -- I'm new and figuring this out! I'm not vegetarian but we eat a lot of meatless meals, so maybe we could chat and help each other!
  • Make them for my son and husband a lot! Mine are easy peasy: frozen banana frozen strawberries or frozen pineapple or frozen blueberries (none with sugar) vanilla low fat yogurt water If i want to make it a bit "heartier", I'll add nonfat milk! Frozen fruit works great and it lasts a long time in the freezer.
  • Thanks for the welcome, Kaylynne. How long have you been on Myfitnesspal?
  • Hey! I'm new here and I'm a teacher, also! I'm feeling very discouraged and fat these days but know that I need to do something. I'm afraid that I'm going to fail at this, too. I feel pretty successful in all areas of my life except my weight. I'm tired a lot (because I'm out of shape and don't eat well and don't get…