

  • I too get very discouraged with the BMI standards. I am 41 now, and I lost about 45 lbs about 5 years ago, and have gained about 15-20 back over the past few years. I have been fighting it back on and off for a few years, but exercise 45 a day 5 days, have very large/strong muscles, even when not doing strength training,…
  • Well, I can't tell if the brace worked because it supported my knee joint or just because it kind of forced me to walk more stiff-legged! But, I did not seem to be as sore afterward (although the lack of circulation from it squeezing can't be good, either!) Still stiff from sitting too long. That is a hard one to have to…
  • I live in the boondocks- 15-20 minutes each way to the nearest pool (not a fitness club either, just community pools) that are not open year round, and FULL of kids and lessons when they are open!!! So unfortunately, that is not a convenient or a viable option for me to do 5-6 times a week. I have considered an elliptical,…
  • I have not done the brace thing too much because of that risk. I used to work at a lumber store (cashier) and remember some of the younger guys in the lumberyard who wore their back stabilization braces all shift, even when they were not moving lumber, and the "veteran" lumberyard guys telling them to loosen them up when…
  • We do have some knee braces- anyone familiar with using them while walking? Help, or just a false sense of security?
  • Luckily, was not an actual pop. No traumatic injury- I'm sure it was acute pain caused from misuse on an existing chronic weak area. As my husband put it, is sounded like someone twisting a joint in chicken bone leg, so that it makes a nice gristly grinding sound. I may go to a doc if it does not heal soon, but that still…
  • Nope, you are not alone! I certainly go through that; yes stress and time of month will cause the cravings for me at times. "Experts" say that it takes between 21-30 days to break a habit or start a new one. (Not addiction, mind you, but reconditioning). Think about the habits in your life that you didn't used to have, but…
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