

  • Yay! Welcome! this website is such an amazing tool! use it to it's full potential and keep your awsome attitude and you're set!
  • I run every day I work out. which can be every second day one week and then 5 days straight another week... it's just part of what makes me feel good. But I do notice that if I have a day off I can build up more stamina. I dont know if this is purely in my head or if I drank coffee or not before I came to the gym, but I…
  • Go for it! What a confidence booster as well! If you dont like it, dont go back ;)
  • You might find that the treadmill is hard on your knees and joints. I have been active all my life but only started running seriously in the last year and a half and I am not in pain but my knees crack more often and I sometimes get mild shin splints. I would suggest even talking to your doctor or a trainer at your local…