SarahMaxx Member


  • Good Monday morning. Oh my gosh, Lois. I am so happy that you didn't cancel that appointment so at least you can identify the issue with your leg and start taking measures to help it heal. And I got a chuckle out of the description of the swelling! :D And all of the good thoughts are greatly appreciated. It looks like like…
  • LW: 130.6 TW: 130.6 Hi, all. Sorry I didn't make it here yesterday. I did weigh and I also gathered my 7-day averages, but then something came up and I ended up not getting back here. Here at my 7-day averages: Steps = 10,533 Kcals burned = 1,661 As you can see, I managed to average 10K steps by getting some extra to…
  • Happy Friday, ladies. I just saw a clip that Kelly posted of their dog retrieving a stick from the lake. So I'm pretty sure she's doing fine, just trying to get in as much lake time as she can between work and the kids' sports. Sheesh, I'm wary of that dry cough thing with a higher dose of lisinoprel and I AM coughing some…
  • LW: 130.4 TW: 132.0 Wow. A big jump up and I'm not sure what to attribute this to, other than stress?? Unfortunately, I did not get the results I wanted from the mammogram. It showed a solid mass rather than a fluid-filled cyst, so I'm being referred for a needle biopsy. The first appointment for that that I could get is…
  • Hi, all. I realized that I pulled my 7 day averages yesterday but did not include them. They were: Steps = 10,594 (4.28 miles) Kcals burned = 1,671 Gosh darn, I just can't seem to get those kcals above 1,700. And Sheesh, I agree that logging food is probably the best tool for trying to keep intake somewhat under control.…
  • LW: 130.4 TW: 131.4 Not so happy with this extra pound. I'm getting my activity in, but still struggling with intake. Lots of things on my mind these days. About 10 days ago, I found a lump in my left breast. I saw my primary care physician a week ago today, and she said that the good thing is that it's soft and she can…
  • Just saw that Sheesh and I were both posting at the same time. If I remember correctly, I can't delete a new thread, but I'll try so we won't have two going at the same same time. :D
  • LW: 130.8 TW: 131.4 So back to where I was week before last! I have been swinging between 130 and 132 all week. Wish I could get back below 130 and stick for a while. Getting in activity has been tough because the weather has not allowed me to walk outside much, I'm not using my TM until the tech takes a look at it…
  • In your own words, "woot, woot" Lois! For me, once I finally do something, it makes it a little easier to do it again. I just get the feeling that you're ready to make some good changes now that your foot is healed and work is easing up a bit. Got a little bit of "maybe" good news. Yesterday, I called what was going to be…
  • Thought I'd pop on to say "Happy Mothers Day." I had a nice surprise last night. At one of our volunteer gigs, we are about the oldest folks there, and when we arrive some of the younger ones always say, "Mom and Dad are here. We better get busy!" And one of those sweet and thoughtful young men brought me long-stemmed…
  • Hi, folks. Just checking in. Thanks for the info from your ring stats, Sheesh. I almost never burn 1900 kcals, even when I go to class and then walk 4 hilly miles. Maybe the muscle you have built over time with your trainer has increased your burn, and if so, good for you! :) Kelly, I'm glad you are getting that night at…
  • Happy Friday, all. Lois, I can feel your frustration. Stress affects so much with our bodies and our minds and I truly remember what I felt like when my work was super stressful and yet I knew I needed to find the time to prepare food and get out and move. It can get to a person. But I think just the fact that you and your…
    in May 1-7, 2024 Comment by SarahMaxx May 3
  • Well, obviously, I did not make it back yesterday. It was another day where I only got to my desk for a few minutes to log food and check email. I have been dealing with getting all the paid receipts from the various vendors and getting those to Travelers. It's pretty clear that they will not cover much of our expenses,…
  • LW: 130.4 TW: 129.8 Yea! A little improvement. :) Sorry to be the last one to post. It has been very busy day. In fact, it's after midnight, and I'm just now able to get a few minutes at my desk to log food and check in here. So I'm just going to add my 7-day averages for steps and kcals and I'll be back tomorrow (I hope)…
  • Good morning, all. I would say Happy Monday, but I'm not so sure about that on my end. The re-dig is finally be done today and the sounds are unnerving. They are sending these rocket shaped devices through the pipes again at high speed, and it sounds like we're in a war zone. This 3-DAY dig is now entering WEEK 4. Like…
  • The word was "vintage." I have a vintage TM that I like because it it takes up little space, does not have a high front to look over, and yet it has a wide belt and a strong motor. They just don't make them like that anymore. And I guarantee you that like everything else we buy these days, a new one would not last as long…
  • LW: 129.2 TW: 130.6 Read it and weep! That's what having your life turned upside down can do. We are still in limbo waiting for the re-dig out front, which cannot get done until the darned rain stops. We had one day (last Friday) when it did not rain, but the crew could not make it that day, and of course they don't work…
  • Dropped in to see if anyone had posted since Thursday and to chat a bit, if so. But I see that the board has been quiet, and with all that is going on here, it is effing dangerous for me to talk to myself. LOL So I'll just say that I hope that all is well with everyone else. We're still in demo hell.
  • LW: 129.2 TW: 129.2 Well once again I've hit the jackpot and weighed in at the low end of my arc. This has been a weight swinging kind of week. Wednesday was my low (the weight above), but I've gone as high as 131.4 this week. With all this house stuff, we are not cooking like we usually do, and I think some of our choices…
  • Happy Friday, Ladies. Lois, I am so glad to see your post. Hope your workload soon moves back to normal. I know you've been under a lot of stress, and for me, stress messes with everything. Regarding food choices, I remember when you were preparing so much food ahead of time, and some of the recipes you mentioned sounded…
  • Well, it has begun! And I have not yet had the courage to go down to the basement level, but I did feel my heart sink when I realized that they were taking down the evergreen tree that has given us privacy when sitting out front, has been decorated for Christmas many years, and was set ablaze in blue lights during the last…
  • Kelly, you know I can relate to an allergic reaction that no one seems to be able to diagnose. When I had that "face thing" I saw my regular doc plus four specialists and had every test under the sun, and nothing explained what was going on. So I really feel for you and am interested in what the tests may reveal. Sometimes…
  • Lois, I so appreciate the kind words and the blessing (which I really need). Sometimes staying positive backfires and keeps me from getting the support I still need. So thank you, and I do hope that we can all visit here a little more often since we've made it through the winter holidays. I send blessings back to you for…
  • Happy Friday! It hit me this morning that in my rush to finish my post yesterday, I forgot to post my 7-day averages for last week. Steps = 10,495 Stairs = 10 floors Kcals burned = 1,672 As I looked at these, I realized that since the weather got too cold to walk my hilly outdoor route, I seldom achieve my daily calories…
  • LW: 129.8 TW: 129.4 (Thankfully since I went above 130 twice this week!) Hi, all. Sorry that I did not get here yesterday. I thought I had a fairly free day and would have plenty of time in the afternoon to do that. But "thought" is the operative word. I was getting ready around lunchtime to go to the grocery store and run…
  • Because I suddenly had to run, I forgot to add my 7-day averages for last week. I know that I'm the only one capturing these, but knowing that I'm going to share these does help keep me motivated. Steps = 10,097 Kcals burned = 1,637 Stairs = 11 floors (It's getting lonely in here! LOL)
  • Well, it's another day, and another day that I weighed 129.8! I remember years ago when I was stuck at 142.8 for what seemed like weeks. Things have been so stressful for the past month, that I suppose I should be grateful that I'm still in that 128-130 zone. To add to the car, the sewer pipes and house issues, and my…
  • Yes, Sheesh. I thinks it's the two of us, and I was really happy to see your post. I'm feeling kind of lonely and isolated today. I think it's the fact that it's super cloudy here, so pretty gloomy looking, and my lower back--or actually my rear end--is bothering me today. I have this odd sensation that my butt cheeks, for…
  • LW: 128.4 TW: 128.6 Steady as she goes as far as my weight and I'm really grateful for that. Things are still pretty stressful here as we wait to find out more about the extent and costs of the sewage/plumbing fiasco. We got an estimate last night for part of it. That was close to $30K and it does not include replacing the…
  • Hi Mandy. Welcome to MFP. This particular group (Short N Sassy) is for women who are 5'3" or less. We started back in 1990 on the Apex site for people with bodybuggs. At that time, it was a large group, but after that site was discontinued, we moved on to a private site and then here. Currently, the active members are…
    in Hello Comment by SarahMaxx January 31