I dunno, normal names then yeah, that's extreme. But the parents that named their kid "number 16 bus shelter", "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii" and "Mafia No Fear" should really be shot. All of those were names from New Zealand by the way.
I hate treadmills, but walking/jogging is my main exercise. Someone tell me that it's not just me that gets extremely dizzy on a treadmill. Within 5 minutes I feel like I'm going to fall over and faint. Also being outside is nice because you get a change of scenery and fresh air. And it's amazing to jog when it's raining.
Dairy and gluten, mostly. Although they were both accidentally, doctor and I thought I had an intolerance to them, so I stopped eating them as often. I lost a lot of weight just by only eating bread maybe twice a weak.