I'm about to start studying Nursing in Sept, but work night shifts atm and I pre-log everything before work. Planning and preparing meals for the week is key - that way you know what you're doing and aren't as tempted to pick a quick fix! Feel free to add me :)
I think 30DS prepared me for T25, only done 2 workouts so far but I get pumped to do them! The shred gets boring because it's repetitive but it worked, my strength and endurance improved beyond my expectations. It's completely different yet a smooth transition. I love T25 though! Ask me again in a few weeks lol
Just started T25 Alpha today! Looking for buddies to go through it with, feel free to add me and we can support each other (: Finished 30 day shred last week and think that's really helped build my fitness foundations. -11.2lb
22 (: started AGAIN! wanting to lose about 60lb - would love some friends to share the ride with, feel free to add me (: skylarr