

  • Hi girls, I posted some of this in my original thread but it's great to see I'm not alone in trying to get pregnant here. My husband and I started trying in May of 2011, I had been on a diet plan and lost about 15-20 pounds and was in the "average" range when I got pregnant the first time but had an early miscarriage.…
  • Thanks everyone, and Todd LOL I was replying to the people who had responded to this thread! No offense meant... :P Today was day two, and it went well. I've stuck to my goal (so far) and I'm going to bed soon. Tomorrow I'm going to my sister's house to watch football (ROLL TIDE) and there will be lots of tempting stuff to…
  • I totally get what you mean - my husband always tells me I'm sexy and beautiful, but since I've gained weight my confidence has taken a nose-dive, and it has impacted our sex life because I don't feel attractive or sexy. My main motivation for losing weight is to be healthier (physically and mentally) and to improve my…
  • Hey! Don't beat yourself up over it. Just exercise tonight and don't let a few bad decisions derail you. If you're like me, you'll look for any excuse to fall off the wagon. I have this little voice that goes "Well, you already messed up, may as well just throw out the healthy eating idea for today," or, "Well, it's the…
  • Thanks girls! Looking forward to working together!