I live in a city that now drinks recycled "poo" water because the drought is so bad here...and I still won't drink bottled water :) I refuse to pay for something that is now SUPER filtered ( I hope :wink: ) not just because it tastes fine, but on the grounds that the plastic does not recycle completely, the water being…
I cook with it... put it in baked goods when I occasionally make those... add a teaspoon to some popcorn kernels and it makes the fluffiest popcorn - only needs a very light sprinkle of salt. I use it to moisturize, as "chapstick", you name it. I also use it in oil pulling...swishing 2 teaspoons worth in my mouth for 20…
This is a must try...Thanks!!
I won't lie... I loathe it :) BUT... I fit in whatever I can, whenever I can. Lately, I have been using the "gazelle" set up in my family room... I iron, do dishes, laundry, make dinner..everything I would normally do for the house when I get home from work, but all of it with the tv running in the background. At EVERY…
Hi, I'm Krista. I'm 44, have Hashimoto's Disease (hypothyroid mess!) and RA.. Basically, along with the crappy non-metabolism, I have the joints of your average 90 yr old... it makes weight loss even more fun! :wink: I don't overeat nor do I eat out of boredom...or even eat a lot of garbage. My problem is that I am a…