wish granted. tattoos now cover your entire body, but they are infected. they itch all the time and sometimes get puffy and ooze I wish I could go to a Cage the Elephant Concert
no, i don't live to please people no matter who they are lol.
potatoes yes, steak no a huge bowl of GF spaghetti and home-made marinara (w/o oil or salt)
wish granted! you are now a high-end stripper for celebrities and haul in loads of cash :D but you have to do whatever sexual favors are asked of you I wish to be a super hero
I'm Kirsten (: I absolutely love sci-fi and my favoritest show of all time is doctor who. I love pokemon, especially classic, and i still play the classic game cube games. I love playing the xbox, play station, and game cube (sometimes gameboy, DS, or wii but not as much). I LOVE books and learning too. I'm that kid who…
i eat them back plus more. your body burns calories just being alive so just eat if you are hungry
some banana ice cream yay