I had a ryvita and marmite binge today(!?!) so I don't have many calories left. Stir fry with quorn and rainbow veg for me, with a splash of reduced salt soy sauce!
I have had them for ever-literally started getting ones on my inner thighs and hips when I was about 13, then chest, then a few on the back of my arms. I literally wept when they finally spread to my stomach-I only had one there for ages and stupidly dug at it so I have a scar there too. Now I have horrible looking ones on…
Gloucestershire-feel free to add! :)
Thank you, I didn't know water weight could be that much or come off that fast! I presume once it starts slowing down, that's the non-water weight bit kicking off? I'll keep going with it :)
I'm going for 15lbs for it would be amazing if I get to 20lbs :) I'm totally dedicated to this, so we shall see!
Aww guys shift work is lame isn't it?! I'm going to try cooking food in the morning/night before and taking it in, also it means my boyfriend will eat healthily as he can have the other half of what I'm cooking :D APART from when I finish at 9.15 and have to be in at 7.15 in the morning again. That's when I predict my…
I will join you all! I can literally drink bucketloads of the stuff every day and am stopping TODAY :D
Added :) my custom wedding dress is scary big! :p
I rarely eat eggs, never have cream, don't drink a lot of milk at the moment. I regularly eat cheese and yoghurt.
Thanks! I'm planning on ordering a veg box which is a start, seems like a good idea.
Added :)
Gutting isn't it. I've been 1lb above my goal....I was actually a bit below my goal once and looked amazing! I didn't appreciate it though, just thought I looked fat. I AM committed, I'm going to look lovely for my wedding and beyond. We can do it!
You have very similar weight loss goals to me- I'm just starting off with this and I can say I'm totally inspired! Congratulations :D
:D One step being a tentative return to the gym tomorrow! Then exercise classes, then the world haha. Totally committed this time, we CAN do this!