

  • Good for you! You need to do another one! Don't worry about anyone else, just worry about beating your time. I did another 5K this past Sunday (they were a week and a day apart) and I ended up beating my time in 6 minutes. You can beat your time! Just know that's what you are there to do.
  • Monday will be my 4th week in. I am really loving it. I get up an hour earlier so I can do it in the morning and have enough time to cool down before I get showered and ready for work. If you can handle getting up earlier, do it in the mornings. I feel so much more energized throughout the day.
  • Congratulations on your first 5K! I did my first 5K last week. It was also small, like 30 people, and I came in DEAD LAST at 49:11. I was a little embarrassed, but then I thought at least I lapped everyone sitting on the couch. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it! :-) You'll do better with each 5K that you do.
  • I don't think I've lost enough yet for anyone to notice. I've only started running and working out about 5 weeks ago. My husband said he can tell my face is thinner, but no one else has said anything.