

  • Well it could just be water weight but also I looked at your diary; you should eat more! Eat at least 1,200 a day. There are many sticky posts in the forums about why this is so important. Here is a link to one: Good luck!
  • I think this is where you get to see the power of portion control. 150 is very manageable to work into your diet and work out with exercise once in a while. But if you eat 4 in a day then you'd be in trouble! Enjoy your treat don't feel bad. You have to find a balance in your life.
  • Wow, you guys are all amazing! Thank you for the support. I feel better and a bit more able to tackle my new challenges now. The extra fridge is impossible- it's a pre-war building and I have one outlet in the bedroom-pretty sure even a small fridge would fry it, plus the room is ~6'x10', so there is not much space. It's…
  • I am a total non-cook, but decided this January to start learning to cook. I am out the door by 7:30am and I rarely get home before 7:30pm on weekdays, so it's been a challenge to make cooking happen. But I have found some things that have worked for me. I bought Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution cookbook and have been…
  • Hey as someone who lost 15lbs in 7 weeks and is 5' 7" and started at 180lbs. I thought I'd write to give you support; I hope you succeed at your goal. I think it's great to have a motivating factor to help you through your upcoming ups and downs. I thought I would give you a breakdown of what I did to pull it off. First of…
  • I wouldn't blindly follow The original food pyramid was made by politicians who used the logic "eating fat makes you fat" without any research to back it up. The whole scheme is mired in politics, from dairy farmers to corn farmers wanting you to eat more of their stuff so they make more money. You can find…
  • This is what I know about sugars: Lactose, found in dairy products, is quite minimal in cultured dairy like cheese and yogurt. The active cultures use the lactose as food and then their by-products are what make yogurt and cheeses so yummy. So even though milk has lactose, yogurt and cheeses really don't have much. Juices…
  • Get rid of all your cigarettes and don't go and buy anymore. Don't keep any for 'in case of emergency' or 'celebratory for completing lent' or whatever excuse you think of (even the 'but that's $12 I'm about to flush down the toilet' excuse). Yes, you'll get the urge, but the more work and effort it takes to get a…
  • I thought this post from the "LINKS in MFP you want to read again and again" section was very illuminating: It always makes me reconsider those days I eat less than 1200 (for reasons such as having a cold and sleeping 15 hours and only eating…
  • You should log your calories every day. Just because you didn't log them doesn't mean they don't exist! I would go back and do your best to log everything from yesterday. Personally, I used my first couple of weeks on here just to see what I was eating and when. If I went over I didn't let myself get upset or beat myself…
  • I have friends who have worked in candy shops and bakeries, and they say they just get used to the smells and after their first month or so they are no longer tempted. You have to think of food differently. There are lots of things you can do for yourself to not over-indulge in bad foods. You can always eat a sensible meal…
  • Bad days are going to happen. You have to take care of yourself in a way that you are going to be OK with that. What I mean is, even if you have a bad day, or a few bad days, don't beat yourself up and don't give up! If you're having many bad days, figure out why. Did you set goals that are near impossible to achieve right…