SteamClutch Member


  • The other side of no grains is Dr David Perlmutter's "Grain Brain" which approaches the neurological aspect of consuming wheat. In my mind (which still is working I think) this is a far scarier aspect of prolonged consumption of modern wheat.
  • Welcome to all the new people posting here. I am sending out an invite to anyone in here if they are looking for support in any way, feel free to accept, I am not offended at declines either.
  • I like it! But people should do what works best for them so 1st or 2nd will work. I will also be dairy free, grain free (as always), legume free and sugarish free. I am not endorsing sugar but I have had a hard time finding bacon without it and I do not eat it everyday, I am dropping my dark chocolate that I have every day…
  • That was the first full book I read when i was changing over to Primal life. I have been recommending it ever since and never looked back on wheat, doesn't even tempt me.
  • There are some good sites, here is just one of them I may tweak mine more towards the Primal Blueprint which I am reading currently. Most of these regiments are very similar but feel free to figure out what you can prepare for and work with. I did this back in March or April and 30…
  • I eat 3 to 4 eggs minimum a day sometimes more, eggs do not create issues with cholesterol, grains on the other hand...
  • Welcome, 50 to 60% is standard Paleo these days and do not forget Avocados, which are full of good fat.
  • Many of us struggle with Hashi's my doctor has not actually said I have it but the labs indicate I do. I do not think I will be doing any strict AIP unless there is a way for it to be reversed and I do not think it does that. As a way to indicate your trigger foods many of the Whole30 style ways is IMO a better way to…
  • You can do this, very good first step I didn't and still don't have the ability to clear out my cupboards because I solo this lifestyle but it would be so much easier if I could.
  • Good stuff Mike, I have Jimmy's book in my queue and I am having similar results after nearly a year, but it is always good to hear from people doing this a lot longer than I have.
  • I am on his mailing list thanks for the heads up
  • Welcome Sue, I totally agree with Dragonwolf above; not a lot to add there but I will recommend reading one of the many solid books out there that can get you focused starting with Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and you may want to check out Whole30 as a kick start if you need a highly structured venue to work off of. I…
  • I had to look it up but it seems like if it works it will be fine along with Paleo. I believe that there is no need to restrict eating while doing the Paleo lifestyle and eat instinctively and also intermittent fasting is not frowned upon at all, even lighter days is common. There are a few fasting post here recently you…
  • My family is not Paleo so I just eat all the good stuff that is and my wife has been making things with me in mind when she can. Last year I made a pumpkin pie which was more like a pumpkin custard without a crust and it was nice so it worked for me.
  • One thing I can say for the 24 hour fast is even though you are hungry at the end of it the mental state is quite clear before you break the fast. A real clarity of the mind is there and it can help with decision making if you're having trouble making your mind up about something. I have done (in college) many 3 day fasts…
  • I have one once or twice a month, I like them but can't live with them, it would be a slippery slope if I had one daily.
  • Whole Foods in your area if you have one but usually many health food stores will have Bacon without added sugar. If you live near a large enough city it should be fairly easy if not find a butcher
  • Welcome back, as you have already noted, it is not all about losing weight, it is about health and weight loss will come with it. If going in with both feet is too scary or difficult easing into it is not a failure either, but like Akima said dump the wheat and other grains first this will clear your head and that will…
  • Welcome Silver, as you can tell we are a passionate group here. Meat will get you a ways but fat is where it is at when it comes to transforming the way your body works. keep checking and adjusting your macros and make sure the fats are quality fats. I recommend lots of veggies and nice portions of meat, eggs and such too.
  • Yes, please keep us up to date
  • I used to do this routinely in college nearly 40 years ago now (how did I get this old?). At the time I followed Paul Bragg's "Miracle of Fasting" but the book has been taken over by some family member who promote vegan-ism and he was not a vegan. Anyway, I did this during my Whole30 a few months back while I also was…
  • Whole eggs = complete proteins, which you want. Some still advocate egg whites added to one complete egg to cut back on unnecessary fats, I do not. You really do not need to worry about Cholesterol at all if you are eating correctly, every cell in your body produces it and it is necessary for everything in your body to…
  • That was a great link and should be required reading, laughing so hard right now.
  • Welcome, you've come to the right place, there is tons of help here if you need it.
  • I did a beef heart Ground up mix with Pork in a meatloaf a few weeks back it was really good, no noticeable difference from my usual meatloaf
  • Welcome Stephen
    in new Comment by SteamClutch October 2014
  • To famuv5ive; I do not know if you are keeping a diary of your food but if you are it seems to be closed (which is fine but we cannot help without knowing what you are eating). That being said, if you gained 30 pounds in the last few years there is something wrong and it may take some work but nothing should keep you from…
  • Welcome, as you will note we are all a little slow to show up on the weekends
  • Welcome, read up and get cooking, this stuff is tasty and easy if you ask me.
  • For me it's fish oil, D and a B supplement but do read the ingredients on the labels sometimes they actually put grains and soy and other things in those supplements. I take some other items but they are related to my Hypothyroidism.