One of mine was popcorn, but not because it was high in calories. I kept reading the label thinking, "this can't be right! I can eat the whole bag for only 60 calories?!" So now if I have a craving for chips or just want to munch during a movie I have 94% fat free popcorn.
You could try a whole wheat pita, cut into slices, and baked till crispy. I think this alternative to tortilla chips is also yummy with hummus. I hope you like it!
Thanks everyone for all of the input! It does make sense that there are too many variables per person; weight, exertion, etc. I'll wear my HR monitoring during strength training for accuracy. Thanks!
I keep a bag of baby carrots and sliced peppers along with a glass of water on the island of my kitchen. If I walk in thinking I want a snack the carrots are right in front of me for a quick crunch--it keeps me from heading to the cupboard for chips.