ldula88 Member


  • Great find, I love a good visual aid :)
  • Thanks for the backup :) That's all I was trying to convey in my original message. I'm a very "what works for you is great" kinda girl, but I find not everyone has that approach lol. Just trying to share my experiences, not write a weight-loss bible.
  • Never said a deficit wasn't necessary, no need to be snarky. How you combine your foods does make a difference in how people feel while losing weight. I'd rather eat low carbs high fat and be happy and full then feel starved on a high carb diet. But like I said, many people do just fine on a high carb diet. Macros don't…
  • I've done it before, I'm now on a less strict version of Paleo/Primal. The first week was the hardest, after that it was no problem. I lost weight steadily since I've started eating this way, and I really enjoy it. I have added dairy back in after I finished my Whole30, as well as peanut butter (almond butter is great, but…
  • Different combinations work better for different people. Some people (myself included) lose weight better on a lower carb, higher fat diet (I eat about 15-20% of my daily intake from carbs). Some people, however, find that they don't need to reduce carbs to lose weight. But whatever ratio you eat them in, make sure a…
  • I take a multivitamin so I never have to worry about it. Dairy products are a pretty good source, but they won't always add up to the full 1000mg, and plant sources, while "calcium rich" don't have large % of calcium either. Plus, taking a multivitamin ensures you're getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals you may…
  • Cheat days are a great way to give yourself a break every once in a while, and they can be great for breaking out of a plateau. You get a chance to satisfy any cravings you've had, and it can definitely help "reset" your mental state so you don't get tired of eating healthy and give up (not everyone has this experience,…
  • Saturated fat has been given a bad rep over the past few decades, and it really does not cause all the health problems people think it does. Saturated fats in moderated doses are necessary and healthy. It's not so much saturated fat that you should be concerned about, but trans fat. I try to eliminate all trans fats from…
  • 1450 calories, 25% carbs, 30% protein, 45% fat. It's been working just fine for me, although I usually end up going over on my protein by a few grams.
  • I've been Primal/Paleo for about 5 or 6 months now, and I love it!!! Now that I'm past the first few months I've added a few things back in (for example, Peanut Butter. I love almond butter, but it's too pricey for me to buy every week) I also eat a lot of unprocessed, unflavored dairy products. I've found it extremely…
  • I agree that most commercial diets don't work in the long run for several reasons: cost, sustainability, etc. What I did that finally worked for me was switching to a Paleo/Primal lifestyle. I cut out processed foods and most grains (although I do have oats or whole grains every once in a while now that I'm past the first…
  • Up to 5 pounds or so of gain, but it will go away after a few days, it's just water weight, not actual fat gain. :)
  • If that's how you feel, do it!!! A little break from your routine will do you good and get you back in the mindset to continue on in your journey. I've found that having one day a month where I can eat whatever I want in whatever quantities I want really helps me not lose my mind. I usually pick the one day a month where…
  • There is absolutely no way you burn 1000 calories in 40 minutes on an elliptical. It's impossible to perfectly measure calories burned anyway, but studies have shown an average of 100 calories per 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, so probably more like 200-250. You probably could do with eating back your exercise calories,…
  • It could be a glitch in MFP. WebMD's estimation of the balance of fats sounds about right for an 1800 calorie diet.Trans fats should be avoided if at all possible. However, saturated fats actually aren't bad for you, as long as they are part of a healthy and balanced diet. The myth that saturated fats cause all sorts of…
  • Cut calories, yes. Only cut fat if you're cutting out trans fat and stuff like that. Healthy fats like avocados and nut butters, etc. are crucial not only for health but for staying full so you don't feel the need to overeat!! Good luck.
  • 96+ ounces per day. And it's super easy... I just keep one of those plastic tumblers with me all the time. It holds 24 oz of water, so I just drink 4 or more a day :)
    in Water Comment by ldula88 January 2014
  • And in response to this... it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. You don't do Paleo for 6 months to lose weight and then quit, you do it for life because it's a great way to live.
  • I've been Paleo/Primal for several months now, and I absolutely love it. So many people on this forum will try to discourage you, but ignore them, because it is a healthy and awesome lifestyle. You have to do what works for you, no matter how many people who are experts in Web MD try to tell you they know what is best for…
  • Spinach Feta Turkey burgers: 1 pound ground turkey 10 oz shredded spinach (I use the frozen packs for convenience) 1 container feta cheese 2 eggs Mix everything together, form into 4-5 burger patties, and cook. I usually broil mine, or use my George Foreman, but you can grill them as well :)
  • You're fine. I started off doing low carb Paleo, and I ate around 40-50 g of carbs a day (mind you, most Paleos aren't eating low carb, so it was a bit difficult and I had to really track my carb intake and avoid most fruits). Now I've gone Primal, and I've upped my carbs to around 100g a day. I'm still losing weight just…
  • My love for "junk food" is one of the big reasons I switched to a whole foods diet. If I eat a little bit of anything that is super delicious but not so healthy, I instantly crave more. It's quite a vicious cycle. But when I went Paleo, then Primal, after the first few days I really didn't miss anything like that. I am so…
  • I've been Paleo for a few months now, and I love it! I was really strict the first month, then I started adding some things back in, like dairy (I guess I'm really more Primal now, because I do eat quite a bit of dairy). I saw some really great changes the first few months. I'm down almost 40 pounds, and I feel so much…
  • I don't think the criticism is coming from you posting your personal experience. I think you really do want to help others by sharing, which is great. But forgive us if we get defensive when you call our way of life dangerous and feel you need to "save people" from it, like we're a cult forcing people to drink kool-aid.…
  • While I respect your choice not to do keto anymore, what I'm reading tells me that you tried it for 5 minutes, got freaked out by something that I have never seen happen to myself or any of my keto friends, made a generalization that all keto must be highly dangerous, and insisted on sharing how dangerous it is with…
  • TBH, I have respect for people who can get a workout in every day, since I don't at all :P But I agree many people go overboard because they think they're doing themselves a favor, when really they aren't at all. And anyways, you don't really burn as many calories as you think you do on cardio, ellipticals/treadmills/HRM…
  • Depends on what's in the noodles, since the point of the Whole30 is to cut out all processed foods, etc. I haven't seen the nutrition for the "zero noodles" but just take a look at the ingredient list- if it has more than five ingredients listed or any of them are chemicals or food dyes, etc, it's a no-no. That being said,…
    in Whole30 Comment by ldula88 December 2013
  • Many people will tell you they don't matter that much, but I've personally found that where I set my macros and how I combine them has a huge effect on weight loss. For instance, if I set my carb intake at 60% as recommended, I don't lose much weight. If I drop my carb intake to 35% and raise my fat and protein intake, I…
  • Paleo works really well in the long term. I've been Paleo for quite a while now, and I love it! Of course, once I found out I have no food intolerances, I eat a bit more "Primal" now than true Paleo... I added full fat dairy in, and about once every few weeks I'll have a meal with grains in it, like pizza, etc. I find the…
  • I used to have the same problem. I found that if I was hanging out at home, I was more likely to snack when I wasn't hungry if I was closer to the kitchen. I stopped reading, watching TV, etc. in my living room and now hang out primarily in my room on the upper floor. I also started pre-logging if I have time during the…