

  • List of things to do/eat to gain weight: 1. EAT BREAKFAST! This means within 30 mins of waking. For example: 1 small piece of fruit, 1-2 egg or egg whites, 8oz of skim or 1% milk, small bowl of oatmeal or two pieces of multi grain bread. 2. Eat every 2-3 hours. Not big meals, but complete meals. Try to get good unsaturated…
  • I posted a comment before that was considered an ad. I apologize. I will try again leaving that part out because I really think I can help. I think there are a few common mistakes people trying to gain weight do. If you could track for 7-10 days your meals. I am not so concerned about the macronutrients as I am the actual…
  • If you are worried about the calories of beer, you are worried about the wrong negative effect of beer. I have brewed my own beer for a few years. I can tell you the calories are anywhere from 150-400. All depends on the malts used, how much sugar was converted and so on. The average ale like you asked is about 200-250.…
  • The "Best" nuts to eat are Almonds. Peanuts are arguably the worst. Walnuts, pecans, pistachio, and macadamia are all ok. Cashews are not the best. If you have the time and money, I would make a blend of 50% almonds, 30% walnuts, and 20% your choice. I would keep peanuts less then 5%.