

  • Can I join or is this a closed group?
  • I weigh myself almost every morning (when I remember) and track it when I actually loose something.
    in Weigh in Comment by eliezrah April 2011
  • *Raising hand and jumping up and down* Me, me me! I wanna join, I wanna join!!!! (Sorry, over tired today! LOL) I'm Lisa and I'm a SAHM to 3 fabulous rugrats! :-) I'm currently 137.5. I would love to get out of the 130s so I guess my Mother's Day goal is to get to 129.
  • Way to go getting motivated! Just remember, I love you no matter what because you're such a fabulous friend & any true friend would feel the same. I agree with the poster who said to do it for you! BTW you forgot to mention the bench itself wasn't that light! LOL