Hello. My name is Candice. I saw your post about the support and would totally love to do it!! I live in SF and feel a bit alone in my weight loss journey. All of my friends are thin and try but, can't really relate. I feel I could use the extra accountability + motivation factor. Looking forward to chatting more! Thanks!…
You could try to find a designer maybe a student designer in your area that could take them apart and make new clothes for you! I do a lot of recycled garments in my work and I love tearing up the old and making it into something new and wearable! Cheers, Candice
I am glad to hear you are both well! I myself have coped through emotional eating and that's what has gotten me to the place of needing to lose weight. I think it is vital to find another way to cope with the stress besides food. I would eat to avoid dealing with the stress/emotion and it made me fatter and not really any…