

  • Hi! I went gluten free a few years back after a lot of medical issues came to light following a deployment to Iraq. I don't have Celiac's, just an intolerance that led to a lot of stomach issues and constant pain. I know that the switch can be slightly overwhelming. I have found that the best way to overcome that feeling…
  • 5K's are awesome goals for weight loss and totally attainable for newbies! Check out for races near you and also check out their training programs and tips (all free). I have heard good things about couch to 5k as well. Most important tips I can give you as someone who used to run weekly races while in…
  • Good luck in the race Goalie! I will be there too! The first weekend of the FM was great-lots of yummy looking spinach and morels out this week. Snagged some Kohlrabi the size of my head and it was fantastic!
  • Thanks everyone!! I can't believe it took me so long to get online-this is so cool! Glad we can all be buddies!!