

  • Hello! Im on the same boat as you! Only been on here a week! Looking to chat to people in the same boat feeling the same things Roxanne :-)
  • Thanks to everyone for theire advice and suggestions. I guess as i am new i just want tomake sure i stick this out, My head is in the right place as I am not finding it that hard to resist of that lovely bad food!! I am using what the MFP is saying and it has set my calories at 1200 per day. I am trying my best to eat as…
  • Yes although i have been alocated 1200 calories per day i am trying to eat less than that to ensure the weight loss. Before now i would stuff my face with all sorts of fatty sugary foods. I have been eating apples but i find that i go over my daily sugar allowance as each apple contains about 11gms of sugar and i only get…